"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into temptation. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." _James 5:2-4
My favorite part of this verse is the end where it states that if you let faith work patience in you, you will not want anything and you will be "entire". Right now in my life I have huge tendencies to fill incomplete in life-negative, ungrateful, bitter, sad, jealous, slothful, etc. This feeling of incompletion can only be fulfilled through the atonement of Jesus Christ.
My new motto is...No Bad Thoughts. I used a motto similar to this last year at school, to not think any bad thoughts of others. And it was life changing! And made life beautiful, and let so much love into my life. I knew the next step up was to not think any bad thoughts, but thought of what an impossibility that would be for me. Now that I have accomplished my first motto, I know I can do the second. It will help turn around my negative attitude. I need an attitude change, this I know for sure. And I'm not gonna sit around and wait for something to change around me, because even if it does, my attitude won't change with it. I have to clean the inner vessel first.