In reading the passage about Nephi explaining Lehi's vision to his brothers who did not inquire themselves what the dream meant, I realized something I haven't realized before.
Nephi describes the gulf of filthy water, the awful gulf. When Lehi was relaying his dream he was so concerned about other things, like his family wondering of the path to the tree of life, that he didn't even realize the water was filthy. But Nephi went to the Lord in prayer and found this out himself. Isn't that interesting. He was only trying to see what his Father saw, and he was shown even more then his Father. Nephi had so much faith. He believed his Father's testimony and his words. Shows the importance of a lot of things. First, of testimony. Nephi was able to accomplish so much because of the testimony of his Father and the example of his Father. Second, of faith. How you can accomplish so much with faith. Third, of "pondering" in your heart. Nephi was pondering in his heart when he had his vision. he wasn't even praying. Sometimes my prayers get so mundane and redundant and non-emotional that it means nothing. But the prayer that I have in the middle of the day, on the family room floor, for no reason other than I need help from my Heavenly Father and I need to re-set my life. those are the prayers that change me and that actually work. It is the same way with pondering. When we ponder with the spirit and on spiritual things, that's when we are able to have revelation and things are made known unto us.
Anyway, I like water being referred to as filthy because usually we hear of water meaning righteous and good. However, it is great for analogies for Satan. I thought of my own analogy for water being like Satan. And how if you think of opening the lid of a water bottle then tipping it over and pouring it onto us, its like allowing Satan into our lives by letting things slip and then doing bad things. when it is poured onto us, that water damage can be bad! And there's no way of getting rid of it except through trying to dab it with towels or change our clothes and suck up the water and all these things are like repentance. But it we have water-resistant materials we won't get as effected which is protection from living the commandments. So I am happy to find that my analogy may truly be inspired and from Heavenly Father because water in this vision is an awful gulf of misery for wicked-doers.
But my main point from this passage is that the justice of God was like fire. It was like a pillar of fire going up and up forever into heaven and it burned so bright. I just picture that and how impressive that looks and how intimidating. But then to think of the magnitude of God's justice and how Jesus Christ intercedes on this burning fire just for us, pulling us back from the filthy waters, over the pillar of burning fire, and into the tree of life and where the saints of God dwell, how amazing that is! And how great it is that we have that kind of an ally and intercessor. He is perfect, and can call the shots for us because he walked our existence. Justice is a hard fast concept, but Christs's sacrifice is all about our relationship with Christ and His love and charity.
Bible and Book of Mormon
Book of MormonAnother Testament of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible.What Is the Book of Mormon?The Book of Mormon is another witness of Jesus Christ and confirms the truths found in the Holy Bible. The Book of Mormon does not replace the Bible; rather, they are companion works that together teach about God and Jesus Christ. Both volumes of scripture are a compilation of teachings as recorded by ancient prophets. While the Bible details events in the eastern hemisphere, the Book of Mormon documents the lives of the inhabitants of the ancient Americas.
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