Bible and Book of Mormon

Book of MormonAnother Testament of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible.What Is the Book of Mormon?The Book of Mormon is another witness of Jesus Christ and confirms the truths found in the Holy Bible. The Book of Mormon does not replace the Bible; rather, they are companion works that together teach about God and Jesus Christ. Both volumes of scripture are a compilation of teachings as recorded by ancient prophets. While the Bible details events in the eastern hemisphere, the Book of Mormon documents the lives of the inhabitants of the ancient Americas.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

"the Word is Commitment" by Marvin J. Ashton

  1. "Be something, Abe"
  2. We should be anxiously engaged in a good cause and DO many good things of their own free will and bring to pass much righteousness.
  3. He who does not do anything until he is commanded the same is damned.
  4. In setting our own goals we need to consider our own needs and abilities.
  • What are my own needs and abilities: 1. good ability to say no and stay away and feel good about it 2. i need rewards frequently 3. I need to feel good about myself and that i am accomplishing my goals. 4. I need to feel like I am not being too harsh on myself nor living too rigidly and unrelaxedly. 5. I need to feel like I am a free spirit and do what I want to
  1. "The direction in which we are moving is more important than where we are at the moment."
  2. Don't blame your failures on other people or external sources.
  3. is it I? Am I sufficiently committed to righteous goals?
  4. William Clement Stone, a Chicago millionaire, in an interview said, “Only if you have drive, the push, ‘the want to’ will you succeed in any field.”
  5. Why do we do the things we do? Positive motivation is the best. Being fully committed to the gospel bring joy, satisfaction and the abundant life.
  6. Dale Carnegie once said if you are not going in the direction of becoming the person you want to be, then you are in the direction of becoming the person you do not want to be.
  7. Realize that God will judge you based on your use of all your possibilities.
  8. Making the decision or declaration of a goal, does not constitute your success or commitment to it and does not make you committed to it.
  9. Once you become wholly committed to something, you will find help from sources you never even knew existed. The Lord says that he does not give any one a commandment except he prepares a way for them to accomplish it.
  10. Ashton relates a story about a five year old boy who fell out of his bed at night and came running to his mom's bedside and when she asked him why he fell out, he responded, "Because I wasn't in far enough." We can see a similar pattern in people who fall out of commitments, like the gospel. It is because they were not in far enough.
  11. What makes the difference between those who are committed and uncommitted is the words want and will. "I want to be a good student but I want to have fun too." " I will be a good student." "I want to have a successful career but I have really bad grades." "I will have a successful career."
  12. From this talk, I learned that I need to be more committed by thinking "I will" rather than "I want". I am also reminded of the quote from Inception, when a character remarks, "You musn't be afraid to dream bigger, love." If I am not "in far enough" in my endeavors (which should be good causes), then i make it easier for myself to fall out. Also, if I am not on the path that is leading to being the person I want to become, then I am going in the direction of becoming the person I do not want to become. We must set small, obtainable goals every day that will help us master the art of goal reaching and then that will help us in accomplishing the bigger goals. I should try to use "want" less and replace it with "will". I am going to try to recognize throughout the day where I say i want to when i should say i will. I know goal setting is a righteous endeavor and actually crucial to our eternal salvation. If we cannot accomplish goals, we cannot return to our heavenly father.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Faith in Jesus Christ, by Elder Pearson

  1. If we want more faith, we must be more obedient.
  2. Do not be casual or situational in obeying God's commandments.
  3. Faith requires exact obedience in even the small simple things.
  4. Desire, hope, and belief are forms of faith but faith as a principle of power comes from consistent behavior and attitudes.
  5. You can have spiritual power with faith.
  6. The eye of faith: ability to focus and be steadfast, nothing wavering, holding fast to gospel principles.
  7. However, there is opposition in all things. Because we can act for ourselves and must be enticed by one other the other (decisions).
  8. If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believe th. Faith and fear cannot co-exist.
  9. Faith as a grain of a mustard seed.
  10. Net faith= faith - doubt - fear - disbelief
  11. doubt leads to discouragement and greater difficulty following the spirit.
  12. Distraction eliminates the focus the eye of faith requires. It also leads to a lack of diligence. Disappointment does not have to lead to doubt or distraction.
  13. Disbelief is choosing to harden one's heart and be past feeling.
  14. God lives and loves each of us his children. Jesus Christ is our savior and redeemer. He lives. And becuase of that there is always hope smiling brightly before us.
  15. Choose to live by faith and not fear!
  16. AMEN!